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Observatoire Psycavi

The Observatoire Psycavi is composed of a team of 15 researchers from 4 countries (France, Canada, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo) and has 4 branches (Quebec, Kigali, Bukavu, Goma). Teamwork is very important in achieving all our objectives! The work at each of the branches is led by local researchers and supported by a local coordinator who is on the ground and handles daily objectives. The Observatoire Psycavi also has a management team that oversees the functioning of the Observatoire as a whole and ensures that all objectives are met. The management and coordination team meets monthly to assess progress, provide updates on regional developments, and share ideas.

A scientific committee is responsible for awarding scholarships and grants. Several students carry out their research projects as part of the Observatoire, in Africa and Canada, while others work on data collection and analysis or knowledge mobilization. In addition to conducting high-quality research on armed conflicts and psychological health, the Observatoire Psycavi supports knowledge mobilization activities, especially during annual scientific conferences.

Knowledge Mobilization Specialist

Since May 2023, I have been working as the Knowledge Mobilization Specialist for the Observatoire Psycavi. I collaborate with the management and coordination teams to optimize internal and external communications.

I have a wide range of responsibilities, such as:

  • Analyzing current KMb weaknesses

  • Implementing strategies to improve KMb

  • Revising and maintaining the trilingual Psycavi website

  • Improving the accessibility of all resources

  • Creating research snapshots of relevant projects

  • Creating guides and tutorials to assist with member onboarding and project organization

  • Content creation for website, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram

  • Developing consistent and quality branding and visuals

  • Creating promotional resources

  • Providing communication updates during monthly management and coordination team meetings

  • Collating and presenting bi-weekly updates of all 4 branches of the Observatoire